About NCRR

Our Origin Story

The Railroad and The Corridor

The rail corridor is our state’s most unique and valuable asset, and we have proudly been at the forefront of rail improvements and partnership development since its inception.

Our story began in 1849 when the North Carolina legislature authorized an east-to-west railroad that would connect the coastal plain with the Piedmont and open the state for economic development. Thus the North Carolina Railroad was born. The North Carolina Railroad Company has since owned and managed the corridor that encases the railroad tracks, playing a key role in its expansion by investing in rail infrastructure and increasing freight rail capacity.

In 1989, the North Carolina Railroad merged with the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad (A&NCRR), creating the rail corridor as we know it today: a 317-mile long conduit from Charlotte to the port of Morehead City, which not only impacts a quarter of the state’s economy but also connects to routes carrying freight and people throughout the eastern United States.

Explore a detailed timeline here.

Our Role

Driving Rail Development

Historically, our role has been ensuring that North Carolina’s rail infrastructure continues to meet the demands of business and industry looking to expand or locate in our state. As the oldest privately-run business corporation in the state, we’re able to work closely with government partners (at local, regional, and state level) and the economic development community to invest in opportunities that lead to growth. We proactively consult communities on rail solutions that can foster economic opportunity, particularly in rural regions.

And since NCRR is a private business corporation with one hundred percent of the stock owned by the state of North Carolina, we’re also able to invest a significant portion of our revenue back into the state.

  • $794 million: estimated annual impact on the North Carolina economy
  • $18+ million in NCRR Invests Program’s investments since its inception.
  • $8.3 million in grants awarded by the Build Ready Sites Program since its inception.

Our Future

The Essential Rail Partner

Our history is rooted in economic development, and so is our future.

It’s time for NCRR to transition from safeguarding the railroad for the future, to creating that future, now. We’re making targeted investments in rail infrastructure that will enhance the state’s efforts to recruit and retain rail-served industry. Additionally, we’ve gained leading rail experts and new business lines so that we can offer best-in-class consulting, industrial development, engineering, and construction services.

These services and increased proactivity will help us provide forward-thinking, rail-centric solutions for our partners, resulting in a modernized railroad corridor that actively expands North Carolina’s competitive advantage.

Our Partners

Railroads, Government, & Third-Party
As the essential partner for rail-related projects or opportunities in North Carolina, NCRR works closely with public and private partners to find the best rail-centric solutions to bring business to the state. Norfolk Southern Corporation, a Class I freight railroad, leases ourtracks through a long-standing agreement. NCRR reinvests its lease and other revenue back into the railroad and the state of North Carolina to ensure the state maintains its competitive advantage.

CSX, also a Class I freight railroad, uses a portion of our corridor as well. We also work closely with the North Carolina Department of Commerce and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) on capital improvement projects and through passenger rail service offered on our line via Amtrak.

Our Guiding Principles

Growth-Minded Solutions

We don’t limit ourselves to what a railroad corridor is–we define ourselves by what it can be. We proactively consult communities to bring economic opportunities across the state, especially to rural areas, and we continue to add leading rail experts to our roster so that we can offer cutting-edge consulting, engineering and construction services.

Historic Rail Expertise

Our significant expertise in rail allows us to take a creative approach to our service offerings and makes us particularly adept at producing sustainable solutions for our partners. We’ve also built a team of world-class experts that offer consulting, industrial property, and engineering & construction services–all to build a better rail experience for the future.

Built-In Advantages

Our structure as a private company with state-level impact results in unique advantages. We have autonomy to operate nimbly, flexibly, and competitively, creating turnkey business solutions and services to best meet the ever-changing needs of our partners.

A Legacy of Giving Back / A Giving Legacy

We’re dedicated to upholding our 175-year legacy (and counting) of investing in North Carolina communities to grow businesses and create jobs. Since we do not rely on any state funding, we can invest a significant portion of revenue back into the state every year through programs like Build Ready Sites (BRS) and NCRR Invests.

Our Vision

A railroad company promoting and facilitating opportunities leading to economic gains for North Carolina.

Our Mision

Focus on our rail & safety expertise, assets, and advantageous corridor to provide dynamic services and best-in-class solutions.

Our Partners

NCRR’s Impact On North Carolina

Source: Measuring The Economic Impact of the North Carolina Railroad in North Carolina

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